FAQs - Frequently Asked Question

Why you join StudyReal Privating Tutoring
When the StudyReal Private Tutoring was started in 2002 we decided to incorporate new and exciting ideas not seen elsewhere in Realtor education, such as online marketing and training so students can feel confident in moving forward. The OREA Exam was never be seen simply reading out of a book. We also offer unlimited sessions until your exam comes, and extended contact hours to better accommodate your needs.
What happens once I join for a tutoring class?
You can join us in many ways, on the website, over the phone, or in person at our Mississauga locations. Once this process is complete you will receive a confirmation email which will include class schedule and instructions on what to bring on your first day.
What if I missed the Class?
We understand that periodically things come up and therefore we make every effort to provide you an equivalent session as a makeup. We will setup your extra class in week-days, or the same day you get extra hours for your missed lectures. You may also study the missed material on your own and then review with the instructor of class.
How many exams do I have to pass, to sell the houses?

You’ve to pass 3 exams from OREA Course 1, 2, and 3 to become the temporary sales agent.

Admission Test Help

We help you to write the admission test, 2 hour session will help you to write your test confidently.

– Individual Approach, Guaranteed