OREA Exam Private Tutoring
We help you to pass all three exam just in four months.OREA Course 1 Exam Preparation & Tutoring
Course 1: Real Estate Essentials The content of this course is designed to familiarize individuals with the basics of real estate, and elucidate the responsibilities and duties of a salesperson as mandated by the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA) and...
OREA Course 2 Exam Preparation & Tutoring
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Course 1 A demanding, detail-oriented program, Course 2 / Phase 2 gives you the knowledge you need to assist buyers and sellers making marketplace decisions. Course 2 focuses on: Property ownership rights and limitations....
OREA Course 3 Residential Exam Preparation & Tutoring
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Course 1 and Course 2 In the Course 3 / Phase 3 General & Advanced Residential: Is designed to meet the practical demands of today’s residential marketplace. Emphasizes drafting skills for agency documents, residential...
OREA Course 3 Commercial Exam Preparation & Tutoring
In the Course 3 General & Advanced Commercial Course: Focus is on basic investment decisions and the fundamentals of buyer/seller representation including proposals and marketing strategies. As with Course 3 Residential, you will draft agreements and prepare...
OREA Real Property Law Articling Exam Preparation & Tutoring
OREA Real Property Law is the only mandatory Articling course you must take. It addresses challenges often faced by practitioners when negotiating offers, preparing agreements, drafting clauses and concluding sales. Subject matter includes documenting detailed agency...
OREA Principal of Appraisal Exam Preparation & Tutoring
Knowing how to accurately appraise property is crucial to a successful real estate career. This intermediate level appraisal course builds on Phase 1 valuation fundamentals while highlighting the practical day-to-day methodologies needed to accurately estimate values...
OREA Principles of Mortgage Financing Course Exam Preparation & Tutoring
As a real estate salesperson, you will need to analyze mortgage markets, including mortgage products, and financing options. In this course, we explore mortgage origination along with the mortgage broker role, regulatory requirements, mortgage practices/procedures...
OREA Principles of Property Management Course Exam Preparation & Tutoring
Property management functions can vary in the marketplace. Accordingly, the program addresses various residential and commercial scenarios to highlight typical functions and duties. Introduces essential knowledge about the management and operation of an...
OREA Real Estate Investment Analysis Course Exam Preparation & Tutoring
Discover proven techniques and reliable investment methodologies for the commercial marketplace. Course materials emphasize comparative analytic tools found in today's marketplace, advanced direct and yield capitalization techniques, before and after tax cash flow...