Make Your OREA Exam Study Effective by Using the Right Resources

There’s a lot you’re going to learn from your broker and mentor agents after you start to work. But to get that license, focus on study materials and resources that are designed to “pass the test”.

Be selective in taking advice. If you’re going to ask other agents what they remember of the test, ask those that took their exams in the last few months. Memories falter and tests change, so at least get the most current advice you can.

Check exam training book dates. Again, tests change over time with business change and to make this passing on of questions and answers more difficult. Look for published study guides that are current.

Learn for the test. You’ll have lots of time after you have your license to expand your knowledge and expertise. Focus now on locating study materials or courses that are designed for “passing the test”. If you’re considering a pre-exam prep course, find out their first-time passing success rate. Some offer free re-training if you fail the first time around.

Read it, know it, or skip it. Good test-taking practice is to answer the questions you know, while not getting bogged down time-wise on those that you’re not sure about. Many are given on computers now, and they usually make it easier to mark and come back to skipped questions. If you know it, answer it. If you’re not sure, move on. It may surprise you how a related question further along in the test will help you with the answer to one that you skipped.

The old stand-by advice still works. The tried-and-true advice to get a good night’s sleep and arrive early and fresh still applies. It’s rare that the midnight oil helps if it’s the midnight before the test.


10 Tips for Real Estate Exams

  1. If possible, make sure you know exactly where the test center is located. Go there and find the building and the office suite before the day of the test.
  2. You will have an opportunity to go through some practice questions before getting started on the actual test. Make sure you use this time and understand how to navigate through the questions.
  3. When it is time to start the actual test, take a deep breath, and relax as much as you can. Being stressed out is not going to help you obtain a better score.
  4. Read each question twice, read each answer twice, eliminate the two answers you know cannot be right, and pick the best answer from the two that remain. Don’t second guess yourself.
  5. If you just don’t know the answer skip it. You will be able to go back to the questions you skipped at the end of the entire test.
  6. Province Law and National questions will all be mixed up through the entire test. When you are graded you will receive two scores.
  7. If math is a weak point for you skip all of those questions until the end. Go back to them then and take your best shot at answering.
  8. Even if you have time it is best not to go back and change a bunch of answers. Generally, your first thought is the best one.
  9. Dress for the occasion. Be casual, but prepare in case the room is cold or warm to be able to get comfortable by adding or subtracting a layer of clothes.
  10. Be aware that, in most instances, answers containing all, always, never, and none are incorrect. Those words are usually to absolute to be included in correct answers.


Bonus Tip:

Use sample exam test to train and prepare you to be at your peak performance so that no tricky question, nebulous answer, math calculation, Ontario law, or just the stress of the procedure will surprise you on exam day.

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